slack notion

1. 프로젝트 소개

2. Abstract

It is very familiar and important to us to gather and see what interests you, and to gather and express my interests.

It is very familiar to us to connect to SNS every day, like the posts you like, and see the posts that look interesting. If you choose the most popular one among these SNS, it is definitely Instagram.

However, Instagram is suitable for posting posts, but not for collecting and viewing or saving what I am interested in.

If you search for something on the Search tab, there are too many irrelevant feeds, and even if you save a post, you won’t be able to categorize it, and you won’t be able to share it.

Most of all, it is a pity that you cannot search by putting multiple search terms at the same time.

So, we decided to create a service called ‘MoaYo’, which categorizes and searches categories, and collects and displays the search results in the form of illustrated books.

This project aims to provide users with more sophisticated search capabilities for Instagram tag searches.

This is done by allowing users to search for postings in their own categories, i.e. hierarchical structures, which enable accurate and systematic searches compared to single tag searches.

Hierarchical search brings up-to-date information in real time, and this category-type hierarchy is defined by us as a ‘Dogam’. The goal of the project is to create/manage ‘Dogam’ by the user, provide a search service as a platform, and even provide publishing capabilities that can be shared with other users.

  1. Search Objective

    A. Crawling significance for searching meta in categories created by users

    B. Crawl internal posts on Instagram with categories and significant words obtained

    C. Provide users with obtained posts

  2. Category Objectives

    A. Creating a diagram of the hierarchy using tags that you enter

    B. Modifying and deleting the generated drawings

    C. Store posts retrieved from the diagram

  3. Sharing Objectives

    A. Store your drawings inside a shared server

    B. Providing Users with Internal Information on Shared Servers

3. 소개 영상





4. 팀 소개

김혁만 교수님

(교수님의 요청으로 아이콘으로 대체합니다.)

:heavy_check_mark: 팀 지도, 아이디어 컨펌 및 조언, 구현 방향 조언


:heavy_check_mark: 인스타그램 메타 검색 API 서버 개발, 서비스 배포

:heavy_check_mark: Github



:heavy_check_mark: 공유 API 서버 구축 및 앱 데이터 로직 개발

:heavy_check_mark: Github



:heavy_check_mark: UI/UX 디자인 기획 및 설계, 프론트엔드 이벤트 핸들링

:heavy_check_mark: Github



:heavy_check_mark: UI/UX 디자인 적용 및 구현, 프론트엔드 이벤트 핸들링

:heavy_check_mark: Github



:heavy_check_mark: 안드로이드 백엔드 로직 설계 및 구현

:heavy_check_mark: Github
