
작은 서버 :rocket:Build Status


팀페이지 주소 -

팀페이지 주소 - http://www.mysmallserver.com

블로그 주소 - https://blog.naver.com/jentoo

1. 프로젝트 소개

‘작은 서버’는 Cellular or Wi-Fi 등 인터넷과 연결되지 않는 상황에서도, 하나의 기기가 서버의 역할을 하게 함으로써, 와이파이를 이용해 근처에 있는 기기와 신호를 공유하여 작은 네트워크를 형성한다. 서버 역할의 AP가 되는 기기의 사용자는 메인 서버와 연결된 작은 서버 서비스 앱에서 서버로 열고 싶은 서비스 컨텐츠를 선택하여 다운로드 받을 수 있고, 이를 통해 서버를 열어 컨텐츠를 공유한다.

2. 소개 영상


3. 팀 소개


이민석 교수님



role : Development, administrative management
e-mail : hyungoo.kang.kmucs@gmail.com


role : Server Development, App Development
e-mail : jueonpk@gmail.com


role : Android App Development , planning and design
e-mail : djqhr490@gmail.com


role : Facilitator, Front-end Developer
e-mail : gj0665@gmail.com

4. Abstract

Even if the Internet is not connected, A small number of devices communicate with each other to create a server platform that can exchange various contents such as chat or games. In the “Small Server_(작은 서버)_” project, a single device becomes a “Group Owner(GO)”, which uses Wi-Fi Direct to connect with nearby devices to form a group and form a small network. A server can be formed inside the ‘GO’ device so that content such as a chat or a game can be excuted together with other connected devices. Based on this basic connection implementation, the ‘Small Server’ builds a content server on the outside. It stores and manages contents of one commodity value by uploading the application to the server. The user who downloads various contents here makes the contents operate on the server. It also provides a development environment, modules and libraries for developers so that the applications developed by the developers can be uploaded to the content server as a single product.

5. 결과 영상
